Archangel Raziel
Leo: July 24 through August 23
“Let us visualize our Planet Earth In PEACE through LOVE of each other, and JOY for ALL in the Universe.”
Archangel Raziel is the “Angel of Secrets”. He is the RECORD KEEPER of ancient wisdom of previous lifetimes. His name means “The Secrets of God”. Are you interested in quantum physics, sacred geometry, manifestation, or esoteric principals (astrology, numerology)? He can also HEAL any fears from previous lifetimes, such as painful memories and past traumas.
Archangel Raziel assists in HEALING karmic relationships, and in IMPROVING your intuition abilities. Additionally, he will help you to remember your dreams, just ask him before falling asleep.
Those who desire a HIGHER level of VIBRATION: ASK Archangel Raziel to please use his crystal RAINBOW LIGHT to assist in opening your PSYCHIC gifts of your Mind and Heart to see other dimensions.
If your birthday is between the dates noted above, your Sun Sign falls under the astrological sign of Leo, and your Archangel is Raziel!